Batch 2, including:
\- Anzio OVA
\- More Yukari Tank Corners (up to YTC 6)
\- Fix of the infamous Episode 3
\- Some retiming fixes
\- New extras:
\- (yet) untranslated YTC Anzio and YTC Carnival 1
\- fanmade full Cossack Lullaby
\- BD episodes: Heavily edited mix of several sources, mostly Hiryuu and Commie's "no fun allowed" track, plus /ak/ own translations. Corrected all historical references mistakes we found in translations. Left in place the ones we found in the original.
\- OVAs and YTCs: Except for OVA 1 (almost untouched Hiryuu), /ak/ own translation.
As a way of giving proper credit where credit is due, the original, unedited\* subtitle files of the sources used have been included in the muxed files as alternate tracks.
\*: Except for glaring TV and BD discrepancies, like "74th" vs "63th" and the like. Those have been noted as comments in the .ass files
Thank you for your great work... Great SOUNDGASM from the tank. Guhehe, But...
I really wish the sound on the Anzio OVA is as great as the main series. Should omit the commentary, I don't understand mostly what they're saying. :p
Comments - 2