度盤 裡面有合集 vol.6~vol.10 scan從缺 若有網友願意提供 我們很樂意重發 感謝~
**DDL** →→→→<http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c08jm9q>←←←←← 神奇數字\[pass\]: m635
Vol. 6 ~ 10 due to the different source that we used it was lacking scans. we will happily rev if anybody is willing to provide the scans.
。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。 vol.1 ~10 in the DDL link above
**沒啥好說的 | 隨心所欲 | 看心情接片| Will do requests if I I'm the mood | <http://eggpain-raws.org/>**
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