## this source the bd
ffvideosource(“F:\BDMV\Neon Genesis Evangelion Blu-ray ep01 M2TS raw\00005.mkv”, threads=1)
## this crops the pillarbox
## this kills the grain.
super = MSuper(pel=2, sharp=1)
backward_vec2 = MAnalyse(super, isb = true, delta = 2, overlap=4)
backward_vec1 = MAnalyse(super, isb = true, delta = 1, overlap=4)
forward_vec1 = MAnalyse(super, isb = false, delta = 1, overlap=4)
forward_vec2 = MAnalyse(super, isb = false, delta = 2, overlap=4)
MDegrain2(super, backward_vec1,forward_vec1,backward_vec2,forward_vec2,thSAD=384)
## this quaterpixel the warpsharping
aWarp4(spline36Resize(width*4, height*4, 0.5, 0.5), aSobel().aBlur(), depth=2)
## this because we need to go sharper.
lsfmod(edgemode=1,overshoot = 2, undershoot = 2, strength = 96)
## this add static grains so your, >muh banding
GradFun2DBmod(str=1.2,strC=.5,mask=true, custom=“AddGrainc(1,uvar=0,seed=1,constant=true)”)
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