[NDS] 7th Dragon [English Patched]

2015-08-22 14:18 UTC
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File size:
128.0 MiB
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![Image](http://s6.postimg.cc/68mz7bybl/o_G5lm9_VJj3.jpg) **Title**: 7th Dragon **Original Title**: セブンスドラゴン **Genre**: Role-playing **Year**: Japan March 5, 2009; English Patch v1.01 USA (Encounter rate 50%) 13 Apr 2014 **Developer**: imageepoch **Publishers**: Sega **Language**: English **Translation team**: Pokeytax **Description**: 7th Dragon takes place in the world of Eden of which 80% is ruled by dragons, so the premise of the game is simple: Kill all the dragons, or the human race is going to be wiped out of existence. The game blends the challenging combat and character customization of Etrian Odyssey with a traditional overworld map, cast of characters, and towns, reminiscent of the SNES era of RPGs. It was released near the end of the Nintendo DS’s lifespan, and features colorful graphics and a classic soundtrack. **Important**: 1. This is a complete English translation for 7th Dragon. 2. This patch has been tested on PC in DeSmuME and NO$GBA. DeSmuME is graphically superior and recommended. It appears to have a nasty crash late in the game which may prevent completion of the Japanese version, but a cheat code can be entered in the emulator allowing you to advance. NO$GBA has a more muted color palette and fails to display some graphical elements rendered through the 3D engine, but does not have the same crashpoint 3. The following information is relevant only to DeSmuME; NO$GBA and hardware are fine. - DeSmuME crashes when you land on the central island group. This makes the game unfinishable, because you need to travel there once late in the game to advance the plot. - However, activating the following cheat will allow you to walk directly onto the Forbidden Gate on the central island and enter it directly without triggering a crash. From that point, you can activate Portal Edo yourself and use the Portal system to bypass the crash from then on. - Walkthrough Obstacles (Hold R) 1200a1ba 0000d100 94000130 feff0000 1200a1ba 0000e000 d0000000 00000000 **Screenshots**: ![Image](http://s6.postimg.cc/9xh9kjxq9/r72_WBnhz_YL.png)![Image](http://s6.postimg.cc/hnjgbyao1/M13_DOQuvf_W.png) ![Image](http://s6.postimg.cc/wkrxcynwh/n_Yy_DHZJ4eq.png)![Image](http://s6.postimg.cc/503ozfvr5/PZowt8v_Yu_C.png)![Image](http://s6.postimg.cc/efeyywoe9/zlg5_Dw_Bj0_K.png)

File list

  • 7th Dragon.nds (128.0 MiB)