This torrent is a collection of all available jazz arranges of Touhou music that I am aware of. This is the sixth version of the torrent.
For those of you coming from v5, here are the changes from the previous version:
Full Albums:
[surreacheese] feta
[surreacheese] comte
[unity gain] a lack unity plastic 2
[Shibayan] Toho Bossa Nova 3
[Snug Space] Chillybossa
[Snug Space] sparkling girl
[Baguettes Ensemble] TOHO Jazz Sessions
[Baguettes Ensemble] TOHO Jazz Sessions2
[accord on codes] kill any night moon off
[accord on codes] old devil red moon
[ついったー東方部] Jamais Vu
[xi-on] eyes
[xi-on] scarlet
[Sound of Swing] in walked cats
[Sound of Swing] sound of swing
[Tokyo Active NEETs] bakuon5
[Tokyo Active NEETs] bakuon6
[Tokyo Active NEETs] bakuon7
[flap+frog] remix+remaster (disc 1+2)
[DDBY] Cafe de Touhou 5
[ボストン東方樂団] Scarlet Daydreams
swing holic vol 12
swing holic vol 13
[thj.quartet] Jazz Funk Vol.3
[thj.quartet] Jazz Funk Vol.4
[a-TTTempo] toho full swing encore
Partial Albums:
[Studio ‘Syrup Comfiture’ x Pizuya’s Cell] 君の歌と僕の小さな恋
[狐の工作室] RainyFrame
[Sound of Swing] Sound of Swing
[ZuikakuP] Easy Ensemble
[フーリンキャットマーク] 夕闇トワエモア
[minimum electric design] sanae telegraph
[minimum electric design] the cosmic recognition
[minimum electric design] TRAIL
[minimum electric design] 少女は電気河童の夢を見る
[minimum electric design] 明治172年のフィクション
The single song in [Golden City Factory] チップな魔理沙はおセンチ was a duplicate from their Kazemonogatari album.
There was both a [10th Avenue Cafe ] and [10th Avenue Cafe].
Deleted some non-jazz songs + moved to Partial Albums:
[TLI-synth] Heliobless
[TLI-synth] Luminous
[TLi-synth] telescope
Aleile&Crest&魂音泉&DDBY] 〜癒しの風〜 Vol.1 大空魔術
Can be bought as a download (file with links in top level directory):
[ui-70] spreading full colors
[トマト組] Black Sun
Not really jazz:
[carrotwine] witches pillow
logical emotion
Oops not actually Touhou:
Cafe;Chiffon - Cafe la Musica
Edited tags on various albums to fix mojibake and make naming conventions uniform. (There are probably still some I didn’t fix.)
Now VBR v0:
[flap+frog] flowers:1 (also renamed; added the ‘:’)
[thj.quartet] Jazz Funk
New in this version: Because the collection’s purpose is completeness, there’s enough crap that just queuing the whole thing up might not be so much fun. I’ve included (top level directory) a playlist I put together for myself for listening to the better parts of the whole collection. If your tastes are close to mine, it should be helpful for easily enjoying/sampling the whole collection. If you’d rather explore for yourself, I recommend starting in the full albums (but don’t overlook the Issay & Geist Jazz Band songs in the SOUND HOLIC MEETS TOHO partial albums!)
Full Description:
This is a collection of all of the Touhou jazz that I am aware of. There’s a folder for every album that has at least some jazz on it, with non-jazz songs deleted (with albums going under Partial and Full Albums accordingly). This unfortunately makes things rather ugly, but leaving those files in would make the collection pretty much useless. Since not everyone’s going to agree about what they want in a collection of Touhou jazz, I was fairly loose in deciding what made sense to put in the collection.
As of v3, everything is mp3, and is encoded at VBR v0 with the exception of:
-[most of the top-level folder]
-partial albums:
—[凋叶棕+Timescope] 祭
—[MINT’s World] ヽノ十
—[Melodic Taste] 紀行幻想シンフォニカ
—[湯船にプカリと浮かびたい] ヤミノアヤカシ
—[東京アクティブNEETs] LEGEND OF MARISA Original Sound Track plus
—[狐の工作室] RainyFrame
-full albums:
—[OrangeCoffee] クロシロ
—[OrangeCoffee] Azure
—[surreacheese] FETA
—[surreacheese] COMTE
[unity gain] a lack unity plastic 2
Some songs aren’t associated with a circle that released an actual album; these are just loose in the top level folder. Read the notes file for information about them. If you know of any albums I missed, please let me know in the comments.
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