The science fantasy story Tokyo ESP begins with Rinka, an extremely poor high school girl who lives with just her father in modern Tokyo. One day, she is going home from school when she chases a "flying penguin" to the top of New Tokyo Tower—only to have "fish swimming in the air" suddenly appear before her. One of the fish goes through Rinka and gives her extraordinary powers beyond those of normal humans, particularly the ability to slip through solid objects.
Video: BD 10bit 1080p
Audio: 24bit FLAC
Subs: FFF
Penguin Chapters
Extras: Clean OP&ED with subs
Notes: None Just Seed And Enjoy! Now i'm off to re-watch this as i liked this show when it aired wish there was more.
Edit: Just when i thought i was done...did a-little slight change to the subs on ep 1 heres the Patch [MEGA](https://mega.co.nz/#!FxgCkL6C!e_IVLyGCJ34Z026_eP21C2JE9K23WIzr6aLlfEkVHbc)
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