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The story follows Ken Kaneki, a college student who meets a woman named Rize Kamishiro at Anteiku in a coffee shop. They share an interest in literature and plan a date. While walking Rize home, Ken is attacked by her. Rize reveals that she is a ghoul, a human-like creature that hunts and devours human flesh. As she is about to finish him off, she is crushed by a falling platform. Kaneki is taken to the hospital in critical condition. The doctor decides to transplant Rize's organs into Ken. He then must deal with life as a half-human/half-ghoul, including interacting with ghoul society and its conflicting factions, while striving to keep his identity secret from other humans.
**Episodes: 03 - 04 (w/ chapters)
Subs: Damedesuyo (Hardsubbed)
Codec: @crf 20 8bit H.264 720p
Audio: 2-Channel AAC 192 kbps**
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