**Group**: [exiled-destiny.com](http://www.exiled-destiny.com/)
**Title**: **Welcome to the N.H.K / NHK ni Youkoso!**
**Year**: **2006**
**Video**: 480p Widescreen
**Audio**: 5.1 AC3 English / 2.0 AC3 Japanese
**Subtitles**: .VOB
**Plot Summary :** **Satou Tatsuhiro, a 22 year old young man, is a NEET (Not in Employment, Education, or Training) and a hikikomori (meaning acute social withdrawal). He believes everything around him is a conspiracy, including the reason why many people, himself included, become hikikomori. Due to this, Satou creates a strange conspiracy theory which includes the Nihon Hikikomori Kyōkai (NHK), a secret organization with the intention of producing a hikikomori filled world. Satou intends to break free from the NHK's clutches, but cannot, since he finds it too frightening to go outdoors by himself; that is, until he meets Misaki Nakahara, who selects Satou for her "project" that she claims will cure him of his hikikomori ways.**
**ANN** : [animenewsnetwork](http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=6357)
_AniDB_ : [AniDB](http://anidb.net/a4121)
_MAL_ : [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/1210/NHK_ni_Youkoso!)
**Note : FAQ has be added.**
Q:So when are blu-rays encodes of this anime getting released?
A:We currently have a lot to encode/edit/qc/release the series will get a BD release if a staff member feel it worthy of their time. (check IRC !upcoming for current BD projects) \[This applies to all current releases\]
Q:Why do you put .srt/.vob why don't you add styled fansubs from (insert group name) ect ect?
A:We **do not** take other peoples hard work and release it under our group tag like the dozens of user uploads on nyaa.
-We use only the subs provided on the NA DVD/BD sometimes we style them,with basic .srt (.ass on our more recent releases) you are able to set your own font preferences.
Q:Why do you still encode from dvd's and only do 480p why don't you give us only 720p/1080p why do you even bother?
A:We still do 480p because we want to, it can't be helped.(and various other reasons)
Q:Why don't you release (Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger)?
A:If you have a problem with our group feel free to PM one of the staff members to voice your personal opinion or leave a message in the channel we will get back to you as soon as possible, edgy kids trying hard when they post will not get a straight answer.
Note 1 : Nihon Hikikomori Kyokai confirmed.
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