**Sidenote: I'm working on dual audio death note. I need a QCer. If you've got a good eye for finding problems, please drop me a message. I'm on IRC [here](irc://irc.hoshinet.org/pokemon-neogenesis). If I don't respond, I'm probably not at the computer. Sit there and wait until I get back to you. You're not being ignored.
...at this rate, I'm going to be QCing it myself. I'm in the process of doing fine timing. I expect to have a batch of 10 episodes done by the end of this week/early next week.**
Remember, if you have trouble downloading, we do offer releases on high speed bots in our IRC channel.
Captions / 日本語字幕: [Click here](https://mega.co.nz/#!bZJm3Aga!8JDrphWUiPQH4tBLIY18wE4zmW9kfoAQEl9Fd3DPNYA)
Visit us at [](irc://irc.hoshinet.org/Pokemon-Neogenesis)[\#Pokemon-Neogenesis@irc.hoshinet.org](irc://irc.hoshinet.org/Pokemon-Neogenesis). Our minimalistic website is at <http://pokemon-neogenesis.org>
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