I’m currently seeding this, on my seedbox.
I’ll make a better encoded version and i’ll make a reworked/remastered & upscaled version with a professional restoration tool.
Keep updated :)
Im Done Downloading this , I will Keep Seeding Untill someone else download it cz i Have HDD Problem Its Full,Im Gonna Upload Them On Mega.nz Bcz The Downloading took me 5 days XD it was Bad Seeding. I will Make Clean Encode With Subs And Chapters.
Im Encoding Them, It Will Be The Best Encode [1280x720p x264 Hi10 FLAC], Also I Resized Them To 1280x720p, FPS is the same, And the Size between 400mb/380mb Some Info https://imgur.com/18lbLYQ
@DR3AMKiiLL3R Yes Im using Oyasumi Subs and About Compare idk if you mean subs or quality, if subs Oyasumi is the best for it, Quality idk ididn’t check them.
@RiseOfLegend i just figured out that dekinai actually has better subs…would you be willing to try to put those on…if you don’t have access to them i can upload them to google drive for you
@DR3AMKiiLL3R im In The Final Step Now Wich is Kareoke Effect, If The Dekinai subs is better Lets do it then Upload them To Drive and send me the link On Discord RiseOfLegend#1920
no i didnt Share them yet, i was gonna upload them but i realized i did a mistake, i missed some frames ? cz the software im using to split is sucks , so i deleted them ?, now i have new Premium softawre its Better and easy to use , So i will split them then merge the Encode = Seed On Nyaa.si.
and people wonder why they can’t find their anime when reality is they have the shittty translated name that no one cared since most people know the anime simply as “NHK ni Youkozo!”
Comments - 30
This needs some seeders!
I really want to make a fresh encode from these and see what I can do with it.
I’m currently seeding this, on my seedbox.
I’ll make a better encoded version and i’ll make a reworked/remastered & upscaled version with a professional restoration tool.
Keep updated :)
hello any updates?
I really want a good version of this series with sub if possible
Please, keep seeding this.
Started Downloading and soon seeding forever! I love this show!
Im Done Downloading this , I will Keep Seeding Untill someone else download it cz i Have HDD Problem Its Full,Im Gonna Upload Them On Mega.nz Bcz The Downloading took me 5 days XD it was Bad Seeding.
I will Make Clean Encode With Subs And Chapters.
Downloaded. Encoded 3 mins. Deleted. Save yourself time and resources by getting /985978 (Ohys-raws muxed with english subs [ass + karaoke]).
do NOT do that^
if anything i’d suggest the 720p with oyasumi subs
Im Encoding Them, It Will Be The Best Encode [1280x720p x264 Hi10 FLAC], Also I Resized Them To 1280x720p, FPS is the same, And the Size between 400mb/380mb

Some Info
After Encode I need to retime some lines Subs And Making Kara For it And Some other things like signs etc…
Then I Will Share Them
@RiseOfLegend you’re using oyasumi subs right…also can you compare to the current 720 plz
Yes Im using Oyasumi Subs and About Compare idk if you mean subs or quality, if subs Oyasumi is the best for it, Quality idk ididn’t check them.
i meant video quality …i’ll just do it when your’re done and if you share :D
any updates @RiseOfLegend
@DR3AMKiiLL3R Still Encoding :D im in The Episode 18 now, Im close To finish
@RiseOfLegend i just figured out that dekinai actually has better subs…would you be willing to try to put those on…if you don’t have access to them i can upload them to google drive for you
@DR3AMKiiLL3R im In The Final Step Now Wich is Kareoke Effect, If The Dekinai subs is better Lets do it then Upload them To Drive and send me the link On Discord RiseOfLegend#1920
lol discord can’t find you…just add me #7085
Lol I didn’t Notice That My Username Changed XD to #1930 XD? Its Done I send You A request
So… Did you share that encode anywhere?
no i didnt Share them yet, i was gonna upload them but i realized i did a mistake, i missed some frames ? cz the software im using to split is sucks , so i deleted them ?, now i have new Premium softawre its Better and easy to use , So i will split them then merge the Encode = Seed On Nyaa.si.
nothing new, i still have no time To Work on this One ?
I hope someone will seed this!
I upload it to mega, here you go:
@RiseOfLegend Beware of this r2 dvd , has alot of grain , artifacts need soft sharp and a dehalo. You need to use avisynth for filtering.
im using avisynth already xD cz this DVD have alot of problems :/
Could we get some seeds for this, it’s not entirely dead but it’s almost there. Downloading at barely 20KB/s…
Nevermind it just finished, I’ll try to seed it for as long as I can!
and people wonder why they can’t find their anime when reality is they have the shittty translated name that no one cared since most people know the anime simply as “NHK ni Youkozo!”