The series is set in an alternative timeline where the world is split into three superpowers, Britannia, the Chinese Federation, and the Euro Universe (EU). The story takes place after the Holy Britannian Empire’s conquest on Japan in August 10, 2010 a.t.b., by means of Britannia’s newest weapon, the “Armored Autonomous Knight”, or Knightmare Frame. In turn, Britannia effectively strips Japan and its citizens of all rights and freedoms and renames the country Area 11 with its citizens referred to as Elevens.
Lelouch Lamperouge, the series’ protagonist, is an intelligent exiled Britannian prince who was sent as a bargaining tool to Japan, along with his sister Nunnally Lamperouge, by his father, Emperor Charles zi Britannia, after his mother, Marianne vi Britannia, was murdered. When she was murdered, Nunally lost her sight and her ability to walk. After the war in the ruins of a Japanese city he then vows to his Japanese friend “Suzaku Kururugi” that he will one day obliterate Britannia. Seven years later, Lelouch gets caught up in a terrorist attack and finds a girl called C.C. (C2), who saves Lelouch’s life from the Britannian Royal Guard, by making a contract with him that grants Lelouch a power known as Geass. This power also known as the Power of the King, allows him to command anyone to do what he wants for one time, whether bending their will to live, fight, or die – though only with direct eye contact. After killing the Royal Guard with his new power, Lelouch decides to put his Geass to use and find the person who killed his mother while trying make a better world for his sister, Nunnally. Lelouch in the process becomes the leader of the resistance movement known as The Black Knights under the alter-ego Zero, gaining popularity and support among the Japanese on his way towards rebellion.
File Specs:
Format: MKV
Resolution: 1280x720(720p)
Audio: English - AAC - 2 Ch Stereo (Default) / 48 KHz, Japanese - AAC - 2Ch Stereo/ 44.1 KHz, Official Commentary
Subtitles: English OP/ED Lyrics / Credits / Location Text (Default), English Subtitles, English Subtitles for Official Commentary
Episodes: Season 1 (1-25), Season 2 (1-25)
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