**Synopsis:** In a future world where an organization called the GGP has taken control of the world, Rin Ogata was a promising up-and-comming ballet dancer, but suffered a serious injury and decided to quit. Years later in college she comes across a club building and soon finds herself intrigued by a transforming motorcycle like vehicle called a Rideback. She discovers that her unique ballet skills with balance and finesse make her a born natural on a Rideback. However, those same skills also get her into serious trouble with the government.
Encoder: Kametsu
File Size: ~450 MB
File Extension: .mkv
Video Codec Info: x264, level 4.1, 4:2:0, 10 bit
Audio Track 1 (Default): English 5.1ch AAC
Audio Track 2: Japanese 2.0ch AAC
Subtitle Track 1 (Default): English Lyrics (.ASS)
Subtitle Track 2: English Dialogue Subtites (.ASS)
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