All credits go to Kaizoku-Fansubs (K-F) for the original script. These are the subtitles and fonts I used for One Piece Movie 07.
I timed and styled the subtitles and I think it is fairly decent. If anyone wants to edit it or put it on a raw or something they can do that because as far as I know One Piece Movie 07 isn't available in 720p with subtitles. Sorry this doesn't have attack effects as I don't know how to do them.
It's synced up to Ruell-raws' One Piece Movie 07 pretty well so I would suggest getting that for video.
Anyway, hope you like it.
Here's a link to the v2 for the subtitles: [\#557970](//
**DDL:** [The fonts I used](!N4sFCIrI!PruPUidJW9ay1tK0zbN9QIUTaPUdclWSDIcifg-OIt4/), and [The subtitles v2](!A8tzmRZL!eMRx3Oug2QXzag40reQgJbmC54ohYlanrgbqR_J8nKY/)
**The reason why I included the fonts is because otherwise the subtitles just end up resorting back to default installed fonts such as arial and times new roman. So install these fonts and/or mux them into the video.**
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