Underwater brings you Patema Inverted in full HD.
You can also get the (untranslated) audio commentary for the movie separately from [here](https://mega.co.nz/#!wNpkXaoD!taZQyYjfCyKsOFYdw295JwfHkLdvLcZ_CBkoVcF0FAc).
After finish the movie, you might also find [this](http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1171937) interesting. (Spoilers, obviously.)
@Toast__y No it isn't! I'm real glad seeing another decent human being that's so precautions of some of those faggy releasers who tend be omitting the detailing of the shit they've put into their encodes in descriptions, shit like muttdub and muttshit audio and anglocuck audio lingua, i have experienced a few displeasures inadvertently stumbling upon it myself
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