Dream Hunter Rem - Episode 03 / ドリームハンター麗夢 03 [OnDeed] R2 DVDrip (10-bit)

2013-11-10 12:51 UTC
File size:
1.3 GiB
Info hash:
Ladies and gentlemen, it's the third and final episode of **Dream Hunter Rem**. Our cute heroine returns, naturally with her bikini armor and pink leg warmers. The title of today's thrilling story is _Hidden Dream: Legend of the Headless Warrior_. Amongst its charms are such diverse elements as cute heroine with silly miniskirt, paranormal stuff, half-naked wet monks in nights of burning passion, kitties and puppies, magnums, car chase, samurai, rockets, bikini armor henshin, ghosts, blood, gore and other horrors. And Heike Monogatari (but without the shower scenes). (You can get the first episode [here](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=486212) and the second one [here](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=489235).) This is the final episode of the original Dream Hunter Rem OVA. Next time, we are going to release the first episode of the follow-up New Dream Hunter Rem, which was made a few years later. So watch out for more bikini armor on a suspiciously-young-looking-girl-of-mysterious-age action (and speaking about that, episode three released today features a Little Female Kid again BTW, how cute). [AniDB entry.](http://anidb.net/a1522) Video + Audio: R2 DVD (706x476 \*10-bit\* H.264 (4:3) / Ac3 audio Japanese audio only. Subtitles: (English) fansub script. Sample Screenshots [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/abx96KGt.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/adyZftL7.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/abzD90yq.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/acwGt25u.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/adkMx3ID.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/acnZbfvG.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/aci5CwKB.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/acfiphds.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/advAj5vM.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/acnjhzDo.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/adqS1MP4.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/absr17zZ.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/adlqqKMU.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/abnnOvW5.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/acoJpTgY.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/abbikP7C.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/aczEAGf7.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/adq2blLY.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/acnp8mFt.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/acqR9EHp.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/acvdjJV4.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/aciVvIp6.png) [![Image](http://i.imgbox.com/adltGYCr.jpg)](http://i.imgbox.com/adkvR34v.png) Note: in some time, we are going to make a batch. So in case you find some error in the subtitles /or a mouthcomb, video corruption, etc.../, please report it to us via the IRC channel. We can then address it in a eventual version 2, if that happens.

File list

  • Dream Hunter Rem - Episode 3 [OnDeed] [99EE330A].mkv (1.3 GiB)
Out of curiosity, do you know why this is listed as 4 episodes on MAL if it only has 3?
Thanks for doing the series! MAL can be wrong at times, but I'm curious as well.
Found the original Hentai version ^^ https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/335312