8otto - HYPER, HYP8R, HYPER (3 September 2008)

2013-10-09 00:38 UTC
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File size:
43.5 MiB
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Now that I am back at home I have the time to ramble like usual about the music I’m uploading. 8otto is one of those bands who has a name with a non-obvious pronunciation. The ‘8’ is silent, so you read their name as _‘otto’_. That was actually not their original name. The four-member rock band came together in 1999 but adopted the moniker 8otto in 2004. That marked the beginning of their success beyond the underground indie scene. 8otto began playing in Osaka in 1999 and performed there for years. When 8otto gained popularity and attracted attention from music executives in 2004 they had already left Osaka. It would take another two years before 8otto would record their debut album, _we do vibration._ But before creating the album the band not only returned to Osaka to revisit their origins, they also spent time playing in the United States. That is where they actually recorded their debut. _HYPER, HYP8R, HYPER_ is 8otto’s third studio album. It is unquestionably rock, but with a deep, reverberating sound that carries the album along at a slow, methodical, engrossing pace. The burn-out ‘stoner’ rock composition is enhanced by the deep vocals of Maenosono Masaki. His position in 8otto is rare for any rock band: not only is Maenosono the vocalist, he is also the drummer. It forces an unusual and interesting setup for their live performances, which are more lively than the drift on this album would lead you to believe. I think this is a great rock album to leave on repeat, which I like to do while working, for example. I hope you enjoy it too, and as always requests are welcome!

File list

  • 8otto - HYPER, HYP8R, HYPER
    • 01 - Bomb (Devil's Here Version).mp3 (2.7 MiB)
    • 02 - Destination.mp3 (3.3 MiB)
    • 03 - Real Coke's Friend.mp3 (3.1 MiB)
    • 04 - Jade.mp3 (2.9 MiB)
    • 05 - Midnight Flow Vol. 1.mp3 (4.1 MiB)
    • 06 - Classic.mp3 (3.2 MiB)
    • 07 - It's Kind of Fool.mp3 (3.0 MiB)
    • 08 - Machine-Gun Beat.mp3 (3.8 MiB)
    • 09 - 最愛の目.mp3 (5.8 MiB)
    • 10 - Blow.mp3 (4.6 MiB)
    • 11 - Stone Funk.mp3 (2.8 MiB)
    • 12 - Hyper, Hyper, Hyper.mp3 (4.1 MiB)