1080p - tomorrow (i need to upload it to the seedbox first...)
**3 Very important things:**
\--please check the file called "\[coldhell\]\_Sword\_Art\_Online\_NCED3\_\[8B0E2E61\]". If you don't like it please leave a message (here or in the blog).
\--About the EN Dub: If TheTanStar ( //www.nyaa.se/?user=231993 ) or Lupin the Nerd ( //www.nyaa.se/?user=196091 ) upload the whole anime (4months from now) I will release about 2.5GB .xdelta files (patches for the whole anime) with second EN track (640kbps AC-3=FLAC @600kb) and 3rd signs only track. 720p for sure and I am not sure about the 1080p
\-- Sword Art **OFFline** will be batched at ep 5 (1-5). Ep 3 and 4 are heavy edited from LeafyVegetable (patches at the batch) and he will edit every episode from now on, so our releases will be much better than before.
note: ep 6-9 are only about Leafa's big breast so it is like a new season
Should I add the usual copy/paste description?
UTW dialogue main sub track, second sub track Nyan/EveTaku dialogue (no styles modified) Signs - UTW for both tracks (EveTaku on few signs where they are better than UTW)....
What am I doing?
Just enjoy the boobs
[](http://imgbox.com/abq2GWs7) [](http://imgbox.com/adxNgcmj)
(the second screenshot is from SAOffline 6)
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