Wish \[OnDeed\] R2 DVDrip (10-bit)
Short music video made for the Wish manga by CLAMP.
The DVD sadly isn't remastered as you can see, suffering mainly from composite artifacts /yours truly tried to remove most of them, but obviously the removal wasn't full, as it happens/. The second video, containing credits, is also included.
[AniDB entry.](http://anidb.net/a2534)
Video + Audio: R2 DVD (708/706x480 \*10-bit\* H.264 (4:3) / Wavpack (lossless audio)
Japanese audio only.
Subtitles: (English) Fansub script (by Hikari no Kiseki), switchable styled subs.
Ripped by OnDeed.
Sample Screenshots
[](http://i.imgbox.com/abya2vlO.png) [](http://i.imgbox.com/adjWcXlE.png) [](http://i.imgbox.com/acxQIy8L.png) [](http://i.imgbox.com/abpEbULv.png)
[](http://i.imgbox.com/adpGGRVR.png) [](http://i.imgbox.com/acqhpV23.png) [](http://i.imgbox.com/abn3Ja8B.png) [](http://i.imgbox.com/aclyg01s.png)
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