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The special episode or to be precise the OVA - The Self Introduction of Misaki, Usui, Manager, and the Three Idiots!! It is a laugh gag if you have watched Maid sama!
STORY: Nothing! Its just the self introduction of the protagonist, Misaki, Usui Satsuki (manager) and the 3 idiots! followed by a funny version of a scene in episode 2 after the school festival. Each one of the characters make a version of their own of the scene where Misaki thanks Usui and he pushes her to a tree. Misaki make a version of her own for a scene of episode 1.
If you a fan of Maid sama! and the characters, you will understand the jokes better!
Its nothing much Special, just a laugh riot of few Maid Sama gags!
Thanks to Amberlight on My Anime List for the review.
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