Apologies for the mistake in the first upload. This is the correct torrent.
Took us long enough, eh?
Contains episodes 2 through 4, as well as some special features:
\- Early auditions and practice recordings that were done to determine which member received which role.
\- Footage from the debut event at the Tokyo Big Sight.
\- Footage from the recording session for the opening theme song, plus a short "music video".
All of these special features are included in a single file and separated by chapters, because dealing with the bajillion files that made up volume 1 was a pain in the rear.
**Files can also be downloaded via xdcc from \[EveTaku\]Botan at [\#evetaku@irc.rizon.net.](irc://irc.rizon.net./evetaku)**
720p: [\#370709](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=370709)
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