8 bit 480p hard sub mini batch of episodes 1v2 - 3.
Apologies for delay - we had 2 more editors check the scripts and got the OP and ED re-translated with the official lyrics.
Episodes 1-3 are a joint with Hadena Fansubs. Starting with episode 4 is just Hybrid
For further information check our website: Hybrid Fansubs
Recruiting for all staff positions || contact Vong or Hybrid21 at our irc channel [\#hybrid@irc.rizon.net](irc://irc.rizon.net/hybrid) [\#h-recruits@irc.rizon.net](irc://irc.rizon.net/h-recruits)
DDLs will be added soon...
XDCC Download is available on the #hybrid channel
Thanks for your support
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