The story of the light novels is set in a world where the existence of magic has been known for a century as a mysterious power to rival science. However, the discovery of MISO — the Material of an Impediment to the Sorcerer's Orders — made magic into not a special power, but a technique that can be developed and nutured. One morning, while Shōta Hacchōya (a high school boy attending a magic academy) was tasting miso soup, a princess of Majieeru suddenly breaks in. Majieeru happens to be the birthplace of magic.
This is a webrip so the resolution is 640x360
Length - 12:19
File list
[Nubles Raws] Mahō Tsukai Nara Miso o Kue! (If You're a Wizard, Eat Miso!) OVA.mkv (52.3 MiB)
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