20111116 Japan Biz Cast - Noodle World 2011

2011-11-18 19:46 UTC
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112.1 MiB
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![Image](http://i.imgur.com/MYjJ8.jpg) Quote: Nov. 16, Wed. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc. \#227 On Site: NOODLE WORLD 2011 Noodles are a big part of Japanese cuisine, and just like everything else in Japan, trends come and go very rapidly. Today we visit a trade show featuring the latest in the world of noodles and pastas. For people in the noodle business, it's an event not to be missed. Who knows, maybe you'll get inspired to open a noodle shop of your own! In between slurping noodles at Noodle World, we'll introduce a new museum that just opened near the exhibition hall. The museum is actually dedicated to instant noodles and filled with unique and creative exhibits. + Style: Drops Design Works In a society overflowing with material goods, it's become all too easy to treat everything as disposable. For our XX segment, we take a look at the work of a designer who creates items from materials that are normally thrown away. Watch as used bicycle tire tubes turn into bags and old bike chains turn into key chains. `<br></br>Dropped video frames<br></br><br></br> Found average frame timing of 32.66 ms<br></br><br></br> Line Duration (ms) Time window<br></br> 7018 100 0:03:53.833 -> 0:03:53.933<br></br> 15525 66 0:08:37.467 -> 0:08:37.533<br></br> 16784 100 0:09:19.467 -> 0:09:19.567<br></br> 24023 67 0:13:20.833 -> 0:13:20.900<br></br> 25207 67 0:14:00.333 -> 0:14:00.400<br></br> 33406 66 0:18:33.667 -> 0:18:33.733<br></br> 35176 100 0:19:32.700 -> 0:19:32.800<br></br> 35588 67 0:19:46.500 -> 0:19:46.567<br></br><br></br>Total frames: 50392<br></br>` **NOODLES**

File list

  • 20111116 Japan Biz Cast - Noodle World 2011.mkv (112.1 MiB)