To put it simply, Hidive’s subs for this show were atrocious. I have to wonder if they even bothered doing any TLC. (Who am I kidding? It’s Hidive we’re talking about, so they probably didn’t.)
They often felt really awkwardly worded, which bothered me enough to start working on this shortly after the show began. I’ve been toiling away at these episodes ever since then. Originally, I planned on catching up and releasing them weekly, but I kept getting sidetracked, and ultimately decided to wait until the show finished airing. By no means are these perfect - a good chunk of lines could be better, there are a few inconsistencies (mainly with honorifics and stutter capitalization), the timing could be better, and I’m still not entirely satisfied with the song translation.
That said, these should be vastly more watchable than what Hidive gave us. I used SubsPlus (mostly their styling and timing) as a base. I left 99% of the signs as-is, as those aren’t my forte. I didn’t translate the insert song in the final episode because I marathoned the last few episodes and just wanted to be done with it. I didn’t have the patience to manually transcribe, time, and translate new lyrics at that point—apologies for that.
Unfortunately, the WEB streams were also quite terrible for this show. I’m not sure if Amazon’s was any better, but ADN’s video is very bit-starved. There’s also noticeable quality loss during panning shots. I might do a basic encode of the BDs once they’re released, but don’t count on it. If anything, I’ll probably just wait and see if one of the more experienced encoders picks it up.
Hidive VS HAM episode 1 comparison (sorry, there are still some ASS tags lingering about)
Summary of changes:
Feel free to use or improve my subs in your own release. Lastly, please use mpv. Issues reported with other players, like VLC, will be ignored.
Comments - 3
Good stuff
I knew that stalling on watching this would be worth it.
Good work, those official subs are horrific