Telegram notification channel for releases: Link
General telegram group: Link
Tech Specs:
H264 High@L4, 1920x1080 @ 7865 kbps, 23.976 (24000/1001) FPSAudios (1):
Japanese, AAC2.0 @ 128 kbpsSubtitles (9):
English, ASS │ Arabic (Saudi Arabia), ASS │ German, ASS │ Spanish (Latin American), ASS │ Spanish (European), ASS │ French, ASS │ Italian, ASS │ Portuguese (Brazilian), ASS │ Russian, ASSChapters:
Comments - 1
Please fix your constant CR file naming issues already, setting my Sonarr to fetch VARYG releases instead of SubsPlease, ToonsHub, or Erai-Raws is becoming quite a pain in the ass because I have to regularly open my qBittorrent and manually change the naming of some shows to the proper one for Sonarr to properly import their releases. Some examples include:
S06E07 in this release, S01E13 in this one and S02E13 in this one (both are S02E01)
Unnamed Memory Season 2 continuing with absolute naming despite the SxxExx format
"Ave Mujica The Die is Cast" always fails imports because Sonarr only recognizes “BanG Dream! Ave Mujica”