Not my Release
just thought I’d upload it
(maybe someone can help him find those missing MJN releases from S6)
This is a collection of all 157 episodes (and the movie) of the baseball anime Major. I used the subs that I thought were the best subs for each episode/season.
The original files of Episodes 12-26 of the first season subbed by FB-MJN didn’t have the OP & ED included in the episode, and instead included them in a separate file. I edited the FB-MJN episodes to have the OP & ED included in them (episodes with the OP & ED added have (OP & ED added) put at the end of the file name). I couldn’t find the HD versions of Major S6 episodes 130-135 subbed by MJN so I used the SD versions of those episodes.
The sequel series Major 2nd is not included.
Season 1 - Saizen (1-11), FB-MJN (12-26)
Season 2 - Saizen (1-4/27-30), Saizen-HellFansubs (5-26/31-52)
Season 3 - Saizen (1-26/53-78)
Season 4 - AE-Saizen-SD (1-26/79-104)
Season 5 - MJN (1-25/105-129)
Season 6 - MJN (1-13/130-142), umai (14-25/143-154)
Season 7 - Saizen-umai (1-2/155-156), Kira-Fansub (3/157)
Movie - Frostii
Saizen - 1-11, 27-104, 155-156
MJN - 12-26, 105-142
umai - 143-154
Kira-Fansub - 157
Frostii - Movie
Comments - 0