female enemy kind of a baddie ngl
Purirun is already annoying and no catchphrase will beat "Wanderful"
but this was so so good, i was wondering how they were gonna blend idols in, but i guess it wasnt too complicated
as always, thanks Serenae, you truly are our ray of hope
it just isn’t the same
and the whole idol thing had me wincing the whole time, especially when she started singing in front of the monster 💀😂
bring back naganawa mariya, bring back komugi 😩
finally, i’ve been waiting 7 years for precure and idols.
so far ep one got more hits than misses, just got to wait to see how much they taking from heartcatch.
Can’t believe this season was so short. See y’all next year!
Jokes aside, consider this for further improving episode title card styling:
Title2: Outline 8, Shadow 2.5, \yshad4, BackColour &H00F3FE51 (&HF3FE51&, alpha 0), \blur0.5
(btw you have \blur in the main title card but not in the preview)
Title for the main title card: PrimaryColour &HEDA7FF&, OutlineColour &H3F56A9&
Title for the next episode preview (which seems darker): PrimaryColour &HE987FF&, OutlineColour &H394E9A&
Looks like I accidentally pasted the current Title style in the code block instead of the adjusted one… So much for providing raw code for convenience. The colors mentioned in the text were the intended ones.
By the way, I’ve noticed you’re using Aegisub 3.2.2 and YCbCr Matrix: TV.601. It’s fine if it’s working well for you, but you may want to update and to switch the matrix to TV.709, because the video is actually TV.709 during playback and using 601 for the subtitles might on rare occasions make it impossible to match the video’s colors in typesetting. To switch the matrix and convert all colors automatically, use Subtitle → Resample Resolution in the main menu. The current official version is 3.4.2, but for typesetting, you may also be interested in arch1t3cht’s version, which has a very convenient visual perspective tool for signs with 3D rotations. You can find the tool among the tool icons on the left of the video; once you’ve selected it, also check the mode toggles at the bottom left. There’s a demo clip of this tool in an older release post.
Comments - 16
You probbaly do not understand how much I love you, but I do.
We’re not worthy
blessed. serenae, I say this every year: you do god’s work.
Let’s start! Thanks!
female enemy kind of a baddie ngl
Purirun is already annoying and no catchphrase will beat "Wanderful"
but this was so so good, i was wondering how they were gonna blend idols in, but i guess it wasnt too complicated
as always, thanks Serenae, you truly are our ray of hope
it just isn’t the same
and the whole idol thing had me wincing the whole time, especially when she started singing in front of the monster 💀😂
bring back naganawa mariya, bring back komugi 😩
You’re awesome, thanks for doing these subs <3
One episode in and I’m loving it so far
Thank you for your continued work!
finally, i’ve been waiting 7 years for precure and idols.
so far ep one got more hits than misses, just got to wait to see how much they taking from heartcatch.
Can’t believe this season was so short. See y’all next year!
Jokes aside, consider this for further improving episode title card styling:
Title2: Outline 8, Shadow 2.5, \yshad4, BackColour &H00F3FE51 (&HF3FE51&, alpha 0), \blur0.5
(btw you have \blur in the main title card but not in the preview)
Title for the main title card: PrimaryColour &HEDA7FF&, OutlineColour &H3F56A9&
Title for the next episode preview (which seems darker): PrimaryColour &HE987FF&, OutlineColour &H394E9A&
serenae (uploader)
Thanks for the notes! I’ll take those and spruce up the title styling…
Looks like I accidentally pasted the current Title style in the code block instead of the adjusted one… So much for providing raw code for convenience. The colors mentioned in the text were the intended ones.
By the way, I’ve noticed you’re using Aegisub 3.2.2 and YCbCr Matrix: TV.601. It’s fine if it’s working well for you, but you may want to update and to switch the matrix to TV.709, because the video is actually TV.709 during playback and using 601 for the subtitles might on rare occasions make it impossible to match the video’s colors in typesetting. To switch the matrix and convert all colors automatically, use Subtitle → Resample Resolution in the main menu. The current official version is 3.4.2, but for typesetting, you may also be interested in arch1t3cht’s version, which has a very convenient visual perspective tool for signs with 3D rotations. You can find the tool among the tool icons on the left of the video; once you’ve selected it, also check the mode toggles at the bottom left. There’s a demo clip of this tool in an older release post.
serenae (uploader)
Nice, thanks for the heads up! Had no idea there was a new version, it’s been dormant for so long…
awesome, thanks