Despite my own promises, here is a hybrid followup for both BOORU_CHARS datasets and safebooru-centric composite rips.
This time a main source was danbooru (safe+questionable, interval ID 6640000…8200000 = 31.08.2023…24.09.2024),
“the best of” furry-related e621 and loli-enabled gelbooru for the same interval were used as addon.
Similar to rips :
Similar to datasets extensive processing done and used for content sorting :
Content is a little less processed and a little more NSFW compared to predecessors.
Nevertheless :
Images deduplicatied using AntiDupl up to 2% similarity along with BOORU CHARS 2023 and 2022.
Beside images release contains tab separated texts :
Keep in mind this release is first of all
a dataset of character-centric art in effective local format suited for batch processing
and then
a representative catalog of anime/game/cartoon copyrights, characters and artists for visual estimation
but not
a complete and maximum quality rip.
Some tips on use cases :
@REM -- loop explore torrent zips
for %%F in ("d:\torr\BOORU_CHARS_2024\2024-3x4\*.zip") do 7z x -r -o"C:\TEMP\" "%%F" *sousou*frieren*stark*
@REM -- or
for /R d:\torr\BOORU_CHARS_2024 %%J in (*.zip) do 7z x -r -o"C:\TEMP\" "%%J" *sousou*frieren*stark*
@REM -- much more effective if unzipped
xcopy /s "A:\BOORU_CHARS_2024\*sousou*frieren*stark*" C:\TEMP\
-- and became sophisticated using database (copy-paste result to just_do_it.BAT)
select 'xcopy "'||bc.fpath||'\'||bc.fname||'" C:\TEMP\' xcpy
from bc
join bc_dt d on d.booru=bc.booru and d.fid=bc.fid
where bc.fname like '%dungeon%meshi%senshi%' and d.tag='pantyshot' -- brutal dwarf fanservice
Attention picker : head diversity with torso join (custom redraw) e621-4825390 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bust and belly variations (raw YOLO detect output) danbooru-7007859
Comments - 1
Thanks for all shares so far!