### **About Release**
A release of [NF WEB-DL and AAC2.0 Audio](https://nyaa.si/?q=[ToonsHub]+Orb+On+the+Movements+of+the+Earth+NF+WEB-DL) with an improved version of NF Subtitles, while adding sign translations.
#### **Orb On the Movements of the Earth - Episode 17**

### [**この本で大稼ぎできる、かも**](https://anime-chi.jp/story/detail.php?id=17)
移動民族の聡明な少女・ドゥラカ。彼女は父を貧しさのために喪ったことを悔い、富を得ることを人生の目的として生きてきた。 ある日、ドゥラカは廃墟の街でシュミットが秘匿していたある書物と出合う。それは「地動説」という、まさに驚天動地の内容。この情報で金儲けが出来るかもと考えるドゥラカだが、その場所には司教アントニとその一団も居合わせており――。
### [**I Could Make a Lot of Money With This Book… Maybe**](https://thetvdb.com/series/chi-chikyuu-no-undou-ni-tsuite/episodes/10730530)
A young nomad woman haunted by poverty devotes her life to obtaining wealth. One night, she discovers the book that Frei hid in the abandoned village.
### [**Mediainfo**](https://rentry.co/gnqfc6wc)
🇯🇵 WEB-DL (AVC - 1080p) [ToonsHub]
🇯🇵 Japanese (AAC 2.0 - 128 kbps) [NF]
🇺🇸 Full Subtitles [KawaSubs] (English - ASS)
Intro ⋅ OP ⋅ Part A ⋅ Part B ⋅ ED
### **Staff / Credits**
| Role | Member |
|Translation|Netflix (Dialogue), *retimed & restyled*|
|OP-ED Karaoke|Somnolin|
|NF WEB-DL|ToonsHub|
#### [Use MPV](https://mpv.io/) for best experience | Discord: [ToonsHub's Community](https://discord.gg/2mPFKykW4j)
*See you next week~ Thank you for watching our work.*

File list
[KawaSubs] Orb On the Movements of the Earth - S01E17 (NF WEB 1080p AVC AAC).mkv (926.4 MiB)
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