Source (Season 1)
Video: Slow Subsplease
Audio: Untouched
Subs: [Tenrai-Sensei] Honorifics & No-Honorifics Dialogue
Restyled the Dialog, Timing, TS, Karaoke+effect, and chapters. Seed and enjoy xD Join the discord and let me know of any mistakes in the report issue section
Comments - 4
That was quick! Thanks!
Tenrai_Sensei (uploader)
@ubersasian You’re Welcome xD I was fast on the first season as well. Today i think i was alittle slow trying to do 40mins but 1 Hour is good too. Made one mistake with the chapter naming but no biggie ill fix for the batch. You can count on me every week xD
Love your work, thanks a lot! ^__^
Thank you!