### Release by [ItachiUchiha](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=itachiuchiha)
Reminder that you can set a different file location for the torrent, as well as rename the folders/files from the 'Content' tab, to keep seeding while having the files organized to your liking.
Feel free to contact me via [AV1 anime discord server](https://discord.com/invite/83dRFDFDp7) (or come to learn more about AV1) and thank you for seeding!!
> Slowpics comparison : https://slow.pics/c/HbZDSoIo
**Observations**: unfortunately a static comparison like slow.pics isn't the best to show the huge difference there's in grain quality between hevc and av1 encodes with this source, but a general idea can be given comparing the HEVC encodes with my av1 encodes at comparisons 5, 10, 13, 91, 117, 119, 120 for example.
The HEVC encodes I put in the comparison: the encode made by VCB is one of the less worst between the ones lower than 10GB, as they also denoised partially the source to allow a better compression but actually still ended up ruining the image quality while still having a considerable size; the "random" very recent HEVC release is horrible while still being 4.2GB of video, useful to compare with the av1 mini-release which is only 1.5GB; the HEVC encode I made myself only for this image comparison where I forced the encoder to actually retain the grain, as basically no other HEVC release with a size lower than 12~15GB had been able to retain it (the name used in the comparison is "grainretention" and will remain unpublished because I dont have a nyaa account); finally the encode made by Mezashite, which is the only HEVC release that is actually good for the most part (this one at least isnt 15GB for nothing), but still has a few flaws (they wrongly synthetized the grain all over the video, even in scenes that had no grain at all, and used some quite horrible noise as u can very easily see for example in comparison [13](https://slow.pics/c/3B3oLtZ3)).
The purpose of the comparison was to show the full potential of av1 in reproducing a great visual quality while mantaining a reasonable size even with content complex like this source; in this case, having compared nearly all the releases of Maquia on torrent, I can safely say that the difference in visual-quality/size between av1 and hevc with this source is huge, given that with hevc u need at least double the size than av1 to get a result similar to av1. As mentioned above, all the hevc releases have very bad visual quality in general, even when going way higher than the 6GB of this av1 release. An example from one of the biggest hevc releases is the release made by Kakumei (17GB): they used some kind of denoiser(?) and some sharpening tool and/or some AA filter or something similar that ended up deleting several details and making the artlines more or less "fat", and then they applied the grain all over it (also in this case applying grain over scenes that didnt have any grain in the source).
For the flaws of the high-q av1 release, I can mostly mention that there a couple of dark scenes that arent very exquisite, but considering the size it is still far superior than the hevc releases that arent at least double the size. Honestly if I were to avoid my release I would only go for the BDRemux, given that only the 15GB hevc release is mostly good and still comparable in quality to this release and the remux is only double the size.
### Troubleshooting & Advices:
This section has been moved entirely on [Cloudflare Pages](https://torrent-releases-troubleshooting-advices.pages.dev) for several reasons: to make everything cleaner and easier to navigate, to allow me to edit it more easily (once for all the torrents) and to avoid bothering every time the kind soul that posts my releases on nyaa.
Content of the page:
- troubleshooting & advices
- HIGHLY recommended media players and their configuration
- comprehensive guide to set your preferred languages for audio and subtitles in the best way possible:
- the player will open the files in the language u prefer (both audio and subs) and [correctly select the full subs or signs based on your preferences](https://torrent-releases-troubleshooting-advices.pages.dev/#LAV-Splitter)!
- the player will also be able to automatically reselect the correct subtitles on every audio switch!
- more troubleshooting & advices (including several tricks and useful shortcuts to make using the media player smarter and more intuitive)
### Encode Summary: Episodes
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
|Video|JPBD|1080p AV1 10-bit|crf12 *(1)|[Aergia](https://nyaa.si/view/1514886)|
|Audio Track 1|Japanese 5.1|Opus|256k|[Aergia](https://nyaa.si/view/1514886)|
|Audio Track 2|Italian 5.1|Opus|256k|[stress](https://nyaa.si/view/1253478)|
|Audio Track 3|English 5.1|Opus|256k|[Aergia](https://nyaa.si/view/1514886)|
|Subtitle Track 1|English (Signs/Songs)|ASS| |[Aergia](https://nyaa.si/view/1514886)|
|Subtitle Track 2|English (Full) [Mezashite]|ASS| |[Aergia](https://nyaa.si/view/1514886)|
|Subtitle Track 3|Italian (Signs) [DB]|PGS| |[stress](https://nyaa.si/view/1253478)|
|Subtitle Track 4|Italian (Full) [DB]|PGS| |[stress](https://nyaa.si/view/1253478)|
|Subtitle Track 5|Italian (Signs) [Nappysubs]|ASS| |[stress](https://nyaa.si/view/1253478)|
|Subtitle Track 6|Italian (Full) [Nappysubs]|ASS| |[stress](https://nyaa.si/view/1253478)|
Notes :
(1) = check the mediainfo of the file
> Encoder used : SVT-AV1-PSY v2.3.0-A-3-gdbc0343 (https://github.com/gianni-rosato/svt-av1-psy)
### Perceptual metric: `ssimulacra2 --every 3 (w/out fgs)`
|SSIMULACRA2|Final Scores|
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
|Standard Deviation|2.66120520793|
|Minimum Score|73.46195983886719|
|5th Percentile|80.42490882873535|
|95th Percentile|88.57551116943358|
### Q/A Corner
I was using the Q/A corner to reply to the comment made by the users, as I have no nyaa.si account, but then I found out that nyaa's torrent's description has a 10k(?) character limit, thus I am forced to remove the comments from here and repost them elsewhere (https://pastebin.com/u/ItachiUchiha-IU). This way it will also be easier to respond to any potential new comments. Please search the reply to new comments there.
### Thank you for choosing my release, and for reading all this.
[More releases from me](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=itachiuchiha)
Comments - 4