Got really into rom coms recently and this one was better than I expected it to be
BD source Thank you Lupin
Subtitles are from Chihiro and SubsPlease Chihiro SubsPlease
Media info
Donation link If you want to help with shipping cost
Thanks for sharing. Would you mind taking a look at this message?
petmyrock (uploader)
@TheM14 I replied to it. If you end up having a question about a release in the future its much easier and faster to join my discord and @me in general chat since I get a notification that way
Comments - 2
Thanks for sharing.
Would you mind taking a look at this message?
petmyrock (uploader)
@TheM14 I replied to it. If you end up having a question about a release in the future its much easier and faster to join my discord and @me in general chat since I get a notification that way