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encoder: svt-av1-psy
audio: Jpn
subs: eng [SRT], Forced [eng, SRT], Dubtitle [eng, SRT], SDH [eng, SRT], jpn [SRT], SDH [jpn, SRT], ara [SRT], cze [SRT], dan [SRT], ger [SRT], Dubtitle [ger, SRT], gre [SRT], Latin American [spa, SRT], Latin American (Dubtitle) [spa, SRT], European [spa, SRT], European (Dubtitle) [spa, SRT], fin [SRT], fil [SRT], fre [SRT], Dubtitle [fre, SRT], heb [SRT], hin [SRT], hrv [SRT], hun [SRT], ind [SRT], Dubtitle [ind, SRT], ita [SRT], Dubtitle [ita, SRT], kor [SRT], Dubtitle [kor, SRT], may [SRT], nob [SRT], dut [SRT], pol [SRT], Brazilian [por, SRT], Brazilian (Dubtitle) [por, SRT], European [por, SRT], rum [SRT], swe [SRT], tha [SRT], tur [SRT], ukr [SRT], vie [SRT], Simplified [chi, SRT], Traditional [chi, SRT]
filter: rescale, deband
DDL/screenshots/settings/mediainfo (click on filenames) https://animetosho.org/search?q=sokudo+sakamoto
Recommended players:
MPV https://mpv.io
MPC-HC http://www.codecguide.com/
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