#### Your weekly Fantasy Isekai release from JNC has landed, glory to the saint of Ehrenfest ! May the princess escape Guillotine-sama.
Torrent by Prepub-Anon, espect our weekly release batch every weekend. I publish only the LN Prepub. For any Manga, find a way to rip it and we would include it. I won't be doing Nina either unless it expension in the near future's worth it.
[DDL 1ficher](https://1fichier.com/?q66qlnwosji1i1p61kfp "DDL 1fichier")
Hello everynyaa. how is your weekend ? I totally forgot last weekend about uploading the regular release, thank to a powercut that happened for me for a few days that lead to a massive cleanup. New catchup added to the upload. Torrent batch had been reset. It seem JNC's interested into going with the WebNovel industry. They currently had 2 survey about it, which I will include here.
[Survey for Web Novel Readers](https://forms.gle/wCkZFMZnVQer2cwV9 "Survey for Web Novel Readers")
[Survey for Web Novel Authors](https://forms.gle/52UwZHM8mp3JZ4mRA "Survey for Web Novel Authors")
Please enjoy this week's release.
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