Hey it’s me again. Not super swell on the idea of subbing this but if someone want’s to help me join my discord at https://discord.gg/puT7mqVYgx and we can talk about it. 99% people who are seeing this torrent have no idea what the fuck a “Sailor Fight!” is and that would make you a normal functioning member of society, congrats. Basically it is a spiritual successor to Ultra fight! Releasing a little over 2 decades later. The wiki lists 4 total series but there are really 3. The original which spans episodes 1-22 “Sailor Fight! 2003” and a web series. Web series might be on the official youtube channel idk and a film which i think is lost media not sure tbh havent looked into it. I wouldn’t say this is peak dumb fun media like P-Man but this is an interesting show combining kaiju and kaijin action. Also having GAMERA in it for no real reason lmao. That concludes this post. The next post will be a pretty big bombshell IMO. Stay tuned for that.
Comments - 3
Dafuq is this?
Oh shit! Wrong group