Update: [Animorphs has released an even better version - with improved subtitles, timing, typesetting, and a better encode.](https://nyaa.si/view/1905966)
Knowing my luck, now that I've put in the effort to sub this, Crunchyroll will probably release this soon.
I got tired of waiting for Crunchyroll's slow ass, and the currently available subs for these specials were pretty garbage, so I decided to just do it myself, using the Japanese closed captions. A few lines were taken from the manga when I needed to, but otherwise most of it is my own translation. Also has some amateur typesetting. These should be a vast improvement from B-Global and Aitakatta's subs.
Video and audio are from Amazon. Feel free to use these in your own releases, although I ask you credit me unless you're making major typesetting/translation changes.
[Screenshots, DDLs, subs & attachments-only download, and mediainfo, courtesy of AnimeTosho](https://animetosho.org/view/shimai-gotoubun-no-hanayome-quintessential-quintuplets-web.n1904778)
Use mpv/an mpv-based player. Any issues reported on another player like VLC will be ignored.
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