New complete batch for Punirunes. Has terminology & wordplay changes, re-done typesetting and general editing. All 25 episodes are new files. Patch here.
Punirunes Puni2 begins on October 6th – see you then.
Raw Source: Amazon VBR
Translation / Timing / Typesetting: Seigyoku
Quality Control (select eps/original release): squee
Special Thanks: Gargadon
Discord for updates & public QC:
Visit GitHub for up-to-date files:
Comments - 2
Just FYI, in ep9’s title you erased the “i” in “Airune” resulting in “Yuka and Arune” rather than “Yuka and Airune” (it is correct in the mkv’s chapter though).
Lumpstud (uploader)
Thanks for pointing it out.