[DeerStalker] Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan | My Deer Friend Nokotan - S01E04 [1080p][HEVC][AAC]

2024-07-28 08:18 UTC
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723.2 MiB
Info hash:
``` ############################################################################### # [DeerStalker] # # # # P-R-E-S-E-N-T-S # ############################################################################### # SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN # # aka # # MY DEER FRIEND NOKOTAN # # EPISODE 4 # ############################################################################### .. .. . @. :. - ... . %. *. .@ .@ ...#@@%@@@@@-... ..@=================@.. ... ..@=======================@. ..*===========================+.. . .... .#. .%=================--======--====@... .+@. .*:::::. .:-:@. ::@. .+-. %========-=======-=--==@+==---====+*:.:::@..::::::@ .@:::::%@:::@.@::%..=======@===+#==========@:%=+=======@:*::::::::::@. ..@:::::::::::::::@@@=========#%==========@::==========:::::::::@.. . ..@=::::::::::::#========:::=========@:::::@=======@::*@+... .....*@@@=======%::::+===@#==@:::::::@=====@%. .=+====+@::::::@=%::*#:::::-@@@@#@===@ .. .=##@=:*@@@@@@@*:::::::::@@@@:::::-==. :# .=====@::*@@@@@*:::::::::-%@@@@@@@:#@. ... .+=====@@@*:::::::::::::::::::::::-=. ..... . .*=====+-:::::::::::::::::::::::---=% .:. ... @======*::::@.::::@+@@@#++:::::::%=##- .@@=====@:::++++++++++++++@:::::@=@@:. @::@==+==@::++++++++++++++@:::#==@::. ..%@..+@@==@:@+++++++++++++:@:::=@:@. ..=@:::..@*#-=**%@%###**.:::::.@. .@.::::::@::+**@.**-%:::::+. ..#:::::.@#*.=%=+*+.::.. =.::::+@@@@@:..:.= :::::.@--:---@:@ .:::@----=@---:.. ..:%@@=@%@******= .********%***%***: @********@***@****. .****@****@********@. .@*#%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%%. .----@. .%@@@@. .@:.:@. .%::::# .. ....*@@@.....-----**%%@::......:. . . ........-:........... ........ ``` ## What is this? Another week another deer episode from your friends at </redacted/>! This week the studio decided to punish us for saying this show was easy to work on. There were over 50 signs to typeset and scenes to filter. TL-kun got all of the signs translated on his lunch break. Then TS-kun worked his magic and went above and beyond what was called for. Meanwhile ENC-kun had to come to terms with the fact that encoding is not really that important of a job anymore. So he spent most of his time catching up on his mahou shoujo backlog and smoking marijuana with his father. Who has recently retired and decided to become the world's biggest pot head. This week we have a tweaked TL of the OP which should remain the same going forward. (Yes, it's time to steal more lines from [DeerGod].) TS-senpai went above and beyond with typesetting and editing. There are far more signs in this release than any human should have done in just the few days he had time to work on it. We wanted to TS some more signs but that would have delayed this release by several more days. If you're interested in the few signs that were not typeset you can find a translation for them in the included TL notes. It seems like we've gotten into a good rhythm now and will continue subbing this for all 12 episodes. For 3 weeks now we've all shown up every week and people have been putting in more effort than expected. (Now that we've said that, a meteor will wipe all of us out next week.) Which just goes to show when people are having fun and doing things out of passion and love good things tend to happen. We don't talk to each other outside of working together and only have contact through anonymous burner emails and temp. IRC handles. Which is nice. Since there is no obligation to show up if we don't want to. But people keep showing up week after week. If you'd like to help perhaps you'll considering showing up next week too! With that in mind we plan to go back and do episode 1 and re-do episode 2 at some point. We also plan to do a batch release using BD sources once those come out. For now we highly suggest grabbing [DeerGod]'s release for episodes 1 and 2. Since our first release of episode 2 isn't up to the same standard as we're releasing now. We never expected for this to become a regular thing nor did we expect someone willing to put in so much effort into typesetting to keep showing up week after week. On a side note, our hearts go out to those of us who can not view the top two-thirds of the screen. That is all. We also suggest Mahou Shoujo meditation as a form of self-improvement if you truly wish to become 2D. ## Translation notes: Within the .mkv file are some TL notes. We've also included Japanese Closed Captions for those that are learning Japanese. Thanks to SweetSub for dumping them and the anon that edited them to fix a few errors. ## Sources used: - Video: Ioroid (ABEMA WEBRip) - Audio: Ioroid (ABEMA WEBRip ) - Subtitles: Original translation by anon - Japanese closed captions: SweetSub with minor edits by anon - Chapters: YES, we are not bakas please enjoy our hand crafted IDR-frames ## How to play: All our releases are designed for playback on set-top devices (e.g. AppleTV, Firesticks, Xbox One) with native .ass rendering support provided you use a good software player. For most devices we suggest KODI with either a third party Plex or Jellyfin plug-in. For AppleTV we HIGHLY suggest Infuse. Which will play back our releases for free since we use AAC/Opus audio. All our release playback on PC as well of course. We HIGHLY suggest using mpv or recent fork of MPC-HC with proper libass renderer. Note that if your device can not render .ass subtitles we've included an SRT version of the script. It's the same translation without signs due to the limitations of the SubRip subtitle format. These will work for devices that can't natively render .ass like Roku. ## Deer tips: Just a short tip this week. Deer love the smell and taste of marijuana and will seek out the plants to eat them much like tomatoes. They really like to eat the buds. They really love the smell. You can draw deer into a kill zone when you're sitting in a tree stand by smoking pot and letting the smoke whaff out into the surrounding area. It draws them in like flies to shit. You can even smoke tobacco if you use this trick since the smell of pot will overpower the smell of tobacco. Usually, deer would be spooked by the smell of tobacco alone. But their love of cannabis is so strong they'll ignore it if they get a whiff of the sticky icky. Smoking tobacco and pot while out in the woods is a great tip in general by the way since it keeps mosquitos and other vermin like gnats away. It is certainly much safer than spreading harmful chemicals all over your skin. It also serves as a great fire starting device! Another very much unsporting tip to draw in deer: If you leave a small engine running e.g. an ATV they will come in from miles away to investigate the noise. Leave your ATV running below your tree stand or just stand next to it and wait. Deer are truly retarded animals and it's amazing that they haven't gone extinct yet. This is why I refer to them as mobile meat freezers. See you next week! ## Note: While we can not respond to comments we do read them and make fixes if reported. You can always download our releases from our usual XDCC bot on Rizon and our MEGA archives. You may use any part of this release in your own. All we ask is you follow the terms laid out in the Loli-GPL license. A copy of the LGPL license is included inside the .mkv file. Take care! - Your friends at [Redacted] ## See .nfo for further information

File list

  • [DeerStalker] Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan - S01E04 - [1080p][HEVC][AAC] [8AC437C4].mkv (723.2 MiB)