[DeerStalker] Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan | My Deer Friend Nokotan - S01E03 - [1080p][HEVC][AAC].mkv

2024-07-20 04:13 UTC
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File size:
662.3 MiB
Info hash:
``` ############################################################################### # [DeerStalker] # # # # P-R-E-S-E-N-T-S # ############################################################################### # SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN # # aka # # MY DEER FRIEND NOKOTAN # # EPISODE 3 # ############################################################################### .. .. . @. :. - ... . %. *. .@ .@ ...#@@%@@@@@-... ..@=================@.. ... ..@=======================@. ..*===========================+.. . .... .#. .%=================--======--====@... .+@. .*:::::. .:-:@. ::@. .+-. %========-=======-=--==@+==---====+*:.:::@..::::::@ .@:::::%@:::@.@::%..=======@===+#==========@:%=+=======@:*::::::::::@. ..@:::::::::::::::@@@=========#%==========@::==========:::::::::@.. . ..@=::::::::::::#========:::=========@:::::@=======@::*@+... .....*@@@=======%::::+===@#==@:::::::@=====@%. .=+====+@::::::@=%::*#:::::-@@@@#@===@ .. .=##@=:*@@@@@@@*:::::::::@@@@:::::-==. :# .=====@::*@@@@@*:::::::::-%@@@@@@@:#@. ... .+=====@@@*:::::::::::::::::::::::-=. ..... . .*=====+-:::::::::::::::::::::::---=% .:. ... @======*::::@.::::@+@@@#++:::::::%=##- .@@=====@:::++++++++++++++@:::::@=@@:. @::@==+==@::++++++++++++++@:::#==@::. ..%@..+@@==@:@+++++++++++++:@:::=@:@. ..=@:::..@*#-=**%@%###**.:::::.@. .@.::::::@::+**@.**-%:::::+. ..#:::::.@#*.=%=+*+.::.. =.::::+@@@@@:..:.= :::::.@--:---@:@ .:::@----=@---:.. ..:%@@=@%@******= .********%***%***: @********@***@****. .****@****@********@. .@*#%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%%. .----@. .%@@@@. .@:.:@. .%::::# .. ....*@@@.....-----**%%@::......:. . . ........-:........... ........ ``` ## What is this? Hello again from your friends at </redacted/>! Our translator decided he liked the show enough to continue working on it so here we are. We took more time and care with things this time and some new anons showed up to help out. Thanks to everyone who helped out and put in some late hours to get this out as soon as possible. This week the script is 100% original effort. We decided not to base it on anyone else's since we had to re-time everything last week anyway. This week's release also has better typesetting and proper signs. So that should make everyone happy. In addition we did our own encode for the HEVC version since that's our primary codec these days. As always you can take our script or anything else included in this release and use it/modify it/include it in your own release. We'll never ask you for money. But if you feel like giving some away in lieu of donations to us (or any other group) we ask that you please send Nekotofu gambling money. You can send him gambling money here: https://grinp.fanbox.cc/ ## Translation notes: Within the .mkv file are some TL notes. We've also included Japanese Closed Captions for those that are learning Japanese. Thanks to SweetSub for dumping them and the anon that edited them to fix a few errors. ## GREETINGS!: [DeerGod], [LWL], [CA], [A-Flux], [Orphan], [Doremi] and that anon that keeps us in steady supply of Onimai raws. Good luck to everyone rolling on the next Blue Archive event! ## Sources used: - Video: Ioroid - Audio: Ioroid - Subtitles: Original translation by anon - Japanese closed captions: SweetSub with minor edits by anon - Chapters: YES! We can into XML. ## How to play: All our releases are designed for playback on set-top devices (e.g. AppleTV, Firesticks, Xbox One) with native .ass rendering support provided you use a good software player. For most devices we suggest KODI with either a third party Plex or Jellyfin plug-in. For AppleTV we HIGHLY suggest Infuse. Which will play back our releases for free since we use AAC/Opus audio. All our release playback on PC as well of course. We HIGHLY suggest using mpv or recent fork of MPC-HC with proper libass renderer. Note that if your device can not render .ass subtitles we've included an SRT version of the script. It's the same translation without signs due to the limitations of the SubRip subtitle format. These will work for devices that can't natively render .ass like Roku. ## Note: While we can not respond to comments we do read them and make fixes if reported. You can always download our releases from our usual XDCC bot on Rizon and our MEGA archives. ## Deer tips: Do you have a garden like our lord and savior Nekotofu? Tired of the deer eating all the buds off your tomato plants before they get a chance to flower? Sick of them laying on your plants while casually chowing down? I was very frustrated with these problems myself. After years of trying everything the old folks and internet suggested I finally engineered a working solution to this common problem. I present the deer proof fence: Supplies needed: High test fishing line (at least rated 20 pounds) and some kind of strong fence posts (I use metal ones) Drive your posts in the ground about 3-4 feet apart. Make sure they surround the entire garden leaving no gaps around the sides where they meet your home/building. If this is away from your house make a circle. Make sure to drive two posts side-by-side with no line between them. This is your entrance/gate. You can pull up one of the posts to make a gap to walk through to tend to your plants. Once you've got your posts in the ground string your fishing line from post to post. You'll want your first line about 1 foot off the ground. Then string another line 1 foot above that and keep going until you reach the top of your posts. You basically don't want to leave a gap big enough for a deer's head to slip through. You also want to string your line TIGHT so the deer can't lean on it and reach your plants. I also suggest that you drive your posts about 2-3 feet or more away from the garden. When finished you should have a fence about as tall as yourself (6 feet, you aren't a manlet are you anon?). With fishing line starting at ankle-shin level all the way up to head level with about a foot of space between them. Deer will no longer enter the area. Why? I assure you they'll try but the fishing line fence FREAKS THEM THE FUCK OUT. They can't see the line and do not understand there is something there. So when they attempt to walk through the fence they will run into the fishing line and get spooked. They will not attempt to jump over it because they can't see it. It's really funny to watch them become bewildered by it. My garden is right under my bedroom window and I love listening to them freaking out over it all night. Now you can enjoy a real harvest instead of whatever leftovers the deer left after ruining your plants. I grow so many tomatoes and melons now that I'm forced to give over half of them away. There is no way we could ever eat them all. ## Personal note: While the typesetter and editor was working on this today I decided to spend a few hours in my yard working on a small engine. While I was busy working a young deer wandered up and started eating corn that I toss out for the animals. Hence the cover art for this file. Take care! - Your friends at [Redacted] ## See .nfo for further information

File list

  • [DeerStalker] Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan - S01E03 - [1080p][HEVC][AAC] [D17CFCCA].mkv (662.3 MiB)
Based, thank you!
amazing anime to cure my insomnia!
What does "Lersant" mean?
“Antlers” with the syllables in reverse . Because the greeting “notsu” is just reversing the syllable order of “tsuno”
Or .. you know.. nroh