All 26 episodes from Amazon Anime Times CBR with Japanese closed captions from YouTube & TV synced, and English subtitles from Crunchyroll.
(Eps 1-6 and 12 of S1 include manually transcribed JP captions for the episode previews.)
Edit: Per comments, the CRC of S2 ep 12 is AB20C054. Apologies for the error.
Comments - 5
Just FYI, you copied the CRC of S2’s ep11 to ep12 as well. The correct CRC appears to be AB20C054.
Lumpstud (uploader)
Whoops, so I have. Thanks for pointing that out
thank you. so the reason amzn video is used is because of previews or something?
Lumpstud (uploader)
No, I just can’t rip Crunchyroll. (I tried to get this out quickly after S2 went live.)
[surprised to hear that, i thought cr was the easiest to rp from, even i didnt have any trouble]