This week: A face-off against dragons!
Next week: Everybody was kung-fu fighting!
If you’re not checking the blog - new eps will go out weekly (barring some regular breaks in July and August because of summer trips) through at least #37 (the end of this arc).
I’m aiming to have translation wrapped on the remaining episodes by the autumn, but I can’t guarantee they’ll go out regularly after that point.
Line Town #08 will go out tomorrow and also see weekly releases on Sundays. Stay tuned!
Raw Source: Amazon dAnime VBR
Translation / Timing / Typesetting: Seigyoku
Song Translation Check: Neon (NovaWorks)
Discord for updates & public QC:
Visit GitHub for up-to-date files:
Comments - 2
i’m snacking out
Thanks so much! Been waiting for this!