Chihiro is recruiting QCs, timers and typesetters and is willing to train. Come visit our discord! or!
Before most of you get excited, Chihiro translate to American Secondary Student, not English. (which sucks for anime fans in the 87 countries that don’t speak it…)
bro the popular noucome torrent out there with their zugzwang, holy shit it was so bad i legit hope whoever subtitled that got bumped off by covid on the first wave 😂
@CJB what are you talking about? They fixed some of the mistakes HiDive made. Hi-Dive’s subtitles had errors. At least Chihiro-subs were a bit more accurate. Sure they weren’t as funny in some parts due to liberties taken by Hi-dive, but at least they fixed the mess hi-dive did to some episodes. I
I like Chihiro, so I wanna grab this, but…37GB!? O_o For only 13 episodes!? Why is this so bloated? O_o The YURASUKA BD release is only 16GB, and still has FLAC audio and Chihiro subtitles…think I might as well just grab that…
Comments - 11
Before most of you get excited, Chihiro translate to American Secondary Student, not English. (which sucks for anime fans in the 87 countries that don’t speak it…)
@cjb What does that mean? I didn’t notice any problems when vol 1 was uploaded by Chihiro a few weeks ago.
me when the show about girls in high school speak like girls in high school 🤯
(if you translate @cjb’s comment literally to spanish you get “estudiante de secundaria en los Estados Unidos”, which means high school student)
@chihiro : I propose doing an ITW for your next series to satisfy cjb’s request :P
NouCome had me scratching my head more than once!
bro the popular noucome torrent out there with their zugzwang, holy shit it was so bad i legit hope whoever subtitled that got bumped off by covid on the first wave 😂
many thanks <3
@CJB what are you talking about? They fixed some of the mistakes HiDive made. Hi-Dive’s subtitles had errors. At least Chihiro-subs were a bit more accurate. Sure they weren’t as funny in some parts due to liberties taken by Hi-dive, but at least they fixed the mess hi-dive did to some episodes. I
I like Chihiro, so I wanna grab this, but…37GB!? O_o For only 13 episodes!? Why is this so bloated? O_o The YURASUKA BD release is only 16GB, and still has FLAC audio and Chihiro subtitles…think I might as well just grab that…
How’d I miss this?!