> Please don’t Hit&Run, let others enjoy this torrent too. Seed as long as you can.
> Even if the number of Seeders displayed is zero, leave it on stalled to start.
>I recommend you using .torrent file instead of Magnet link.
## I'm not the owner of these files so I have no responsibility for them.
### This includes Rus Subs as well but they are in separate folders.
![Quartet](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/946788210690891847/1239565699853320263/MV5BYTBkYmMwYjAtNWI3YS00OTg0LTljN2UtMWE4YTJhZmYwYTU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzgxODM4NjM.png?ex=66436304&is=66421184&hm=3372305fa9d682bfd8dc0ee6030799c5d69ffb319060d3c5fd943bf7b7294cc9& "Cover")
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