### Release by [ItachiUchiha](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=itachiuchiha)
Reminder that you can set a different file location for the torrent, as well as rename the folders/files from the 'Content' tab, to keep seeding while having the files organized to your liking.
Feel free to contact me via [AV1 anime discord server](https://discord.com/invite/83dRFDFDp7) (or come to learn more about AV1) and thank you for seeding!!
> Slowpics comparison : https://slow.pics/c/98SMXdgG
### Troubleshooting & Advices:
This section has been moved entirely on [Cloudflare Pages](https://torrent-releases-troubleshooting-advices.pages.dev) for several reasons: to make everything cleaner and easier to navigate, to allow me to edit it more easily (once for all the torrents) and to avoid bothering every time the kind soul that posts my releases on nyaa.
Content of the page:
- troubleshooting & advices
- HIGHLY recommended media players and their configuration
- comprehensive guide to set your preferred languages for audio and subtitles in the best way possible:
- the player will open the files in the language u prefer (both audio and subs) and [correctly select the full subs or signs based on your preferences](https://torrent-releases-troubleshooting-advices.pages.dev/#LAV-Splitter)!
- the player will also be able to automatically reselect the correct subtitles on every audio switch!
- more troubleshooting & advices (including several tricks and useful shortcuts to make using the media player smarter and more intuitive)
### Encode Summary: Episodes
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
|Video|JPBD|1080p AV1 10-bit|crf13 *(1)|[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580) |
|Audio Tracks|Japanese 2.0|Opus|128k|[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580)|
|Subtitle Track 1|Italian|ASS| |[anon](https://nyaa.si/view/1673678)|
|Subtitle Track 2|English [GJM]|ASS| |[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580)|
|Subtitle Track 3|English [CR w/ GJM TS GJM]|ASS| |[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580)|
Notes :
(1) = check 'Ω info.txt' file
EDs 5,6,9,10 were replaced by the corresponding NCEDs
### Encode Summary: Extras
| :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: |
|NCED 1,2,4,7,11,12|AV1 + FLAC|same settings as episodes|[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580)|
|NCED 6,9,10|AV1 + FLAC|crf35 grain40|[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580)|
|NCED 3,5,8|AVC + FLAC|BDRemuxes by sam|[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580)|
|NCOP|HEVC + FLAC|DBRip by sam|[sam v2](https://nyaa.si/view/1698580)|
> Encoder used : SVT-AV1-PSY v2.0.0-9-gc76ddcfd (https://github.com/gianni-rosato/svt-av1-psy)
### Perceptual metric: `ssimulacra2 --every 2 (w/out fgs)`
|SSIMULACRA2|Final Scores|
| :---: | :---: |
|Standard Deviation|2.5053642202280244|
|5th Percentile|84.26459626257207|
|95th Percentile|92.25394318162132|
### Q/A Corner
- Q: Why didn't u include ENG dubs?
A: Cause there's already a release with ENG dubs that targets the same level of quality of this release.
- Q: Why didn't you encode some of the Extras?
A: Because an eventual encode would've ruined the quality of those specific files. In case you want the av1 encode at all costs, cut the encoded NCED I attached to the relative episodes.
### Thank you for choosing my release, and for reading all this.
[More releases from me](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=itachiuchiha)
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