became uncool when there’s a fadeout with some shitty backgrounds, so i don’t bother with those
if you feel like it, you can improve on it and do the mask yourself, i won’t mind :)
im not some cracked TSer so i advocate for good enough with minimal time spent, at least i don’t stall for weeks 👍
I’m all for not efforting six ways to Sunday, but I AM in favor of actually being able to read the TS without having to actually move closer to the screen so I’d just put it beside the bubbles for a good enough that’s legible
or ol’ reliable, make an ugly mask that alphas out a bit faster than you had the text do it
ok, I like the way the second one looks more on this ig, but I’ve spent five minutes on it already and I’m not likely to rewatch the episode any time soon anyway
Comments - 14
great thanks
Thank you!
Subarashii! Arigatou!!
smol indeed
when did masking become uncool
became uncool when there’s a fadeout with some shitty backgrounds, so i don’t bother with those
if you feel like it, you can improve on it and do the mask yourself, i won’t mind :)
im not some cracked TSer so i advocate for good enough with minimal time spent, at least i don’t stall for weeks 👍
Just put the text next to the bubble (30k hours in Aegisub)
next to the bubble looks awful imo
As i said, grab the sub file and improve on it! No one will stop you from doing so
understandable. have a great day
I’m all for not efforting six ways to Sunday, but I AM in favor of actually being able to read the TS without having to actually move closer to the screen so I’d just put it beside the bubbles for a good enough that’s legible
or ol’ reliable, make an ugly mask that alphas out a bit faster than you had the text do it
ok, I like the way the second one looks more on this ig, but I’ve spent five minutes on it already and I’m not likely to rewatch the episode any time soon anyway