A fair translation, but lacking accuracy in a lot of details, particularly when Nobita is trying to explain the story of Momotarou to Doraemon. Even the title isn’t wholly accurate. “What am I to Momotarou?” would be more accurate. Some of the timings are a bit off, as well.
Comments - 5
thank you
A fair translation, but lacking accuracy in a lot of details, particularly when Nobita is trying to explain the story of Momotarou to Doraemon. Even the title isn’t wholly accurate. “What am I to Momotarou?” would be more accurate. Some of the timings are a bit off, as well.
Okay, I’ve given the file another look over.
I’ll admit sometimes lines will get truncated for the sake of natural tone or if the cps is high, but nothing out of the ordinary.
I am open to feedback if it’s genuine, but saying ‘a lot of details’ is not true imo.
Title choice was a preference as it sounded better - call it editing if you really want.
Had a look through the file again in Aegisub and the timing seems fine - also checked in MPV. Perhaps an issue with your media player?
Everything is frame-timed and sometimes a little audio is trimmed for scene changes - amount trimmed is subjective too.
If you want to talk about it/provide more detailed feedback, join the discord and message me there.
Thanks again!
@TougeWolf_ I totally agree with (1) (2) (3)