[le meme] Girls Band Cry - 02 [1080p AMZN] [658ECA04].mkv

2024-04-12 22:17 UTC
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File size:
551.8 MiB
Info hash:
mtl, watch at your own risk

File list

  • [le meme] Girls Band Cry - 02 [1080p AMZN] [658ECA04].mkv (551.8 MiB)
waiting for sobsplease (which i recommend everyone should do)
not again, sobsplease ftw
Too slow. Twitter tards don't care and post about the episode and avoiding spoilers is a pain. Will rewatch with SobsPlease, but also watch this to make twitter not be super annoyinhg. Sorry, blame the retards watching raws or french subs And now, this will spread to all the pirate streaming sites and even more retards will start posting shit based on this release. Screw waiting
😭sPlease, we will be there, skip this
> Too slow. Twitter tards don’t care and post about the episode and avoiding spoilers is a pain. imagine going on twitter. easy solution to that problem - stop browsing twitter
Skipping this instead of rewatching sobsplease when they release is retarded and a way to get the entire episode spoiled. No thanks Would stop going on twitter if I could. But I've nothing better to do when I'm bored and can't watch an entire episode of anime and have no access to my laptop. Only my phone
skill issue. just don't go on twitter if you don't want to get spoiled. or mute GBC tags/keywords. you're creating that situation by yourself if you're so obsessed with twitter


Are these also from the person who MTL'd French -> English then pretended they were "stolen" from?
Just learn Japanese and watch it without subtitles lol
I have seen worse, can do with this.
If I wasn't a complete retard, I'd have already learned japanese, and not everyone uses keywords. Lots of people posting without mentioning the title by using screencaps. Like "this show is so good (and they add screencaps of moments they liked)". Muting does nothing. Sorry, but I'll watch MTL slop and the proper subs when they come out. It's what's best for me, if you can afford to wait, that's good
I want so badly to watch this episode, but I will wait. Can't really watch machine translation derivatives; very painful to watch. EDIT: But thanks Anon! This title isn't receiving the proper love it deserves... glad you doing it.
\>AMZN This is clearly ADN video, which looks like ass.
Imagine browsing western twitter
so just full on r-bomb in the comments very normal community
^ you must be new here
Welcome to anime fansubbing, where everyone is an over-antagonistic squealer but also love to complain about how their community is dead
what godamn release do I watch to own twittards/trannies and epic reddit memes?