All 20 episodes from Amazon Prime Video with English subtitles from Ani-One Asia and Japanese closed captions from NHK-E*. Eps 1-5 include my prior Seigyoku subs as a bonus.
Japanese closed captions thanks to Koi-Raws. *They never released 20 so that episode does not have captions.
Most eps v2’d as I had the JP captions erroneously set to disabled. Some video players (vlc, mpv) were not impacted by this but I apologize for any inconvenience.
Patches available here.
01-05 can be patched from [Seigyoku]. 16 should patch to the v3 from either v1 or v2.
Comments - 3
thanks for including jp subs, its something everyone should do but doesnt.
Great job. Thanks!