Title: Neon Genesis Evangelion - Death and Rebirth
Type: Movie
Year: 1997
DVD Release Year: 2002
Runtime: 115 Minutes
# of Discs: 1 Double-Sided DVD10 (Alpha Side DVD5 & Omega Side DVD5) = 2 DVD5
MDS: Yes
Format: NTSC
Region: 1
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1
Audio: Japanese 2.0 | English 2.0 AC3 | English 5.1 AC3
Subtitles: English
Death & Rebirth contains excerpts of the first 24 episodes of the Neon Genesis Evangelion
original series with some additional material edited-in (yes added in instead of edited out!),
and contains the first 3rd of the new ending (episode 25).
Additional DVD Notes:
-Audio Commentary by Amanda Winn Lee (English Language Director & Voice of Rei Ayanami)
-In-depth Index of Characters
-Angels, Evas & Terms
-Photo Gallery
-Original Japanese Trailers
-Japanese Production Credits
-End of Evangelion Preview
-DVD Catalog
-Fan Club Info
-Web Links
*Mokuji(Mokuji = "Information") Interactive Feature!*
Once activated, this feature will allow the viewer to select from an on-screen,
chapter specific index of EVA-related terms, character descriptions.
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