V3: Episodes 19, 20, 39, and 42 had brief visual corruption for less than a second due to this project being edited on what turned out to later be a failing disc drive. Sorry about that. No other changes. (Brief audio dropouts in the dub track like in episode 37 at 19:51 are just an artifact of the dub track and exist in all copies of the dub we’ve seen.)
V2: Episode 47 was missing the alternate Japanese audio track. This has been fixed. No other changes have been made. The hardsub alternate version is unaffected.
This contains all episodes and the theme park movie Daishogun of Destruction of Superior Defender Gundam Force using video sourced from the Japanese BD set downscaled to its native 480p (with the movie in 720p) and an English dub track edited to fit taken from the English DVD set. Also included is the short “Zako Zako Hour - Special Edition” and a Zako Zako hour from the PS2 video game “Superior Defender Gundam Force Showdown”. The Japanese opening, ending, and next on (due to the lack of a next on in the English version) have been left in and translated by ERankedLuck, and the Japanese audio is available as a secondary audio track but is untranslated. Daishogun of Destruction and Zako Zako Hour Special Edition are only available subbed, and the Showdown Zako Zako Hour is only available dubbed. The video is a 8-bit H.264 video with AAC audio and softsubs. There is a second release available with hardsubs and no secondary audio track.
Thanks to ERankedLuck for the translations used in this release, OZC for the dub sources, and remember for the future of the Dark Axis, Zako Solider Fight YEAH!
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